Friday, 31 August 2012

Finding a Great Home Cleaning Service

Understand that everyone needs a little help from time to time. Whether you're one of those people who has always cleaned up on your own, or someone that consistently uses a home cleaning service, it is a job that always needs done. One of the first steps for those who are new to hiring outside help is to ask around to friends and family about their recommendations.

The second thing that you should do when looking for a home cleaning service is to call the companies that you're interested in. There are a few key questions you will want to ask. First of which, find out how long this company has been doing business. If it is a franchise, you may be in a better situation than hiring an independent purely by virtue of existing protections and policies being in place. You might also find out if they are licensed and bonded. Another question to ask is if there is a set schedule or if this is something that is just an estimated time frame.

When researching the various companies after you've called, your next step will be to look them up on the Better Business Bureau website to find out if they have any complaints filed against them. Remember, you are hiring someone to come into your home and clean, so you need to be proactive in finding out if there are any concerns, and further, how those concerns were handled.

Insurance is also very important. Hiring a company that insures their employees is key because if he or she is injured while in your home, you may have some issues that you are responsible for. These costs are not only out of pocket or your own expense, but can often times impact your homeowners' insurance.

Screened, bonded, insured and licensed are all things you will want to look for. When you are asking, ask about each of those things. You'll want to be assured that each person who will be in your home has been adequately checked for criminal history, and also you'll want to know should a theft occur, you'll be protected. It is also very important to make sure that the company hires its own people. Some companies will hire contractors and otherwise but this is not always the safest way. The best way to be as careful as possible is to be sure that these are all checked employees of the company itself.

Lastly, when you are hiring a home cleaning service you might want to ask about the services they provide and the equipment or supplies they may need. There are a variety of ways that you can lower costs and if they do use your supplies this may mean less cost on their end and more money in your pocket. However if you want them to use their own supplies, this is fine, too. Neither is a sign of any kind of issue, it is just a matter of personal preference. If you do meet the person who is cleaning your home and you do not feel comfortable with them -- don't hire them. Let the company know how you feel and be sure to express your concerns.

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Thursday, 30 August 2012

Tips to Window Cleaning (Part 2)

The excellent results achieved by professional window cleaners comes as a result of many hours of intensive work where one learns the tricks of the trade, whether it be via a schooled professional or more commonly trial and error. I previously listed the equipment commonly used by professionals when cleaning windows and will now explain the technique I use to employ this equipment. Follow this guide and you too can have windows that glisten with that much wanted professional touch.

The first step is to fill the bucket with water and add your detergent; my personal choice is Morning Fresh, this will assist in lubricating your squeegee to glide over the surface of the glass. Next add methylated spirits to your water, I do this so as to aid evaporation which helps prevent streaks.

We'll assume the windows we are to clean are free of debris; we'll look at tips on cleaning windows after a builders clean in a later article. First I would apply the detergent to the glass using my washer. In the event the glass hasn't been cleaned for quite some time and is covered in grime the doodle bug with its scouring pad will be useful in scrubbing the window. Ensure the pad and the glass are free of any debris that may scratch the window pane. You will eventually develop a feel of the doodle bug and notice that it glides so much easier as it frees the window of its grime.

With the glass now covered in your cleaning solution we take a hold of our squeegee and look to the top of the window. Apply the rubber corner of the squeegee along the edge of the glass or you could use a cloth, make sure the cloth is free of lint, like a microfibre. The purpose of wiping the top edge is to prevent solution running down your glass when you squeegee the solution off the glass.

For the novice let's begin with the easiest technique. Place the squeegee horizontally at the top left of the window. Now run the squeegee straight down the window in a vertical direction. Keep constant pressure on the window all the way down to the bottom, with practice you will develop a feel as to how much pressure on the squeegee you will require, too little or too much will leave streaks. Wipe your rubber with a cloth then return to the top and repeat this action to the right side of the area just cleaned, have the squeegee overlap the cleaned area by about 3 cm, repeat this until you reach the right side of the window.

The window is now clean so let's dry the side and top edges with a dry cloth, using your finger to run along the edges. At the bottom of the window you will need to mop up the excess water on the sill then use your dry cloth to dry the bottom edge.

Step back and inspect your work. Look from different directions to try to detect any streaks or marks left on the pane. Marks can appear from different angles. Should you detect any streaks use your dry lint free cloth. If there are too many streaks then it's easier to start the process again by applying the solution to the window. For stubborn marks I tend to use grade 0000 steel wool, designed for polishing glass. Of course the window isn't truly cleaned until both sides are done.

A couple of warnings, on hot days your solution can evaporate quickly, this can cause friction with your squeegee on the glass resulting in streaks. Also, your worst enemy is the sun. A window that looks perfectly clean in the morning may show horrible streaks once the sun shines through so the key is to develop a keen eye for spotting those marks on your window.

For the next technique, again for novices, run your dry cloth down the left edge of the pane. Now hold the squeegee vertically and place it along the left edge of the window at the top. Run the squeegee straight across the window in a horizontal direction. Keep constant pressure on the window all the way across to the right side of the window. Wipe your rubber with a cloth then return to the left and repeat this action to the bottom of the area just cleaned, have the squeegee overlap the cleaned area by about 3 cm, repeat this until you reach the bottom of the window.

The technique most professionals use is to glide the squeegee across the window in one fluid motion, without lifting the rubber blade, to prevent stopping and starting. This speeds up the process. I start at the bottom left side of the window, move upwards to the top of the window, with the squeegee slopped towards the centre of the glass to allow for run off. Then without lifting the blade, move across the top then down the right side, all the way pushing the detergent to the centre of the glass. Again, without lifting the blade, move to the top of the window, overlapping the cleaned area by a few centimetres and always pushing the solution to the centre. Now snake your squeegee down the glass to the bottom. Mop up the sill, dry the edges, step back and inspect. Correct any blemishes then you're done.

So there you have it, gleaming clean windows, just like the professionals.

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Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Making Time To Get Rid Of Clutter

How much time is 15 minutes? I'm willing to bet that most of us would say, "Not much". Would many people say that it is enough time to get rid of clutter? It's less than the typical TV show, even with advertising taken out of it. It's less time than we spend at lunch during a typical day. So, what can we do with 15 minutes? A lot!

What we want to do is take 15 minutes (or whatever left over amount of time you have available) and turn it into a powerful decluttering tool. If you have 30 minutes, 10 minutes, or even only 5 minutes available, using it correctly can lead to huge results in your decluttering efforts.

As I mention again and again, getting started is the first step. Let's take the case of the person that has 5 free minutes. Sitting down and planning out a decluttering schedule probably isn't the right thing to do in this case - for that matter, it really isn't the right thing to do with less than about an hour of time. So, what do we do instead? We start getting rid of clutter! For a 5 minute decluttering job pick one small area and go to work. For example, if you have 5 minutes before heading to work or heading out to run errands, pick a counter or a table top. Clear off all the items that do not permanently belong and sort these out. Throw away the trash, put the mail in the mail box or file folder, and either deal with the extra clutter right away if time permits, or put it in a box to deal with during your next quick decluttering. Voila! You now have a clean surface instead of a cluttered up area.

You can extend this idea to larger areas, or more heavily cluttered areas by using more time. If you have 15 or more minutes, you could tackle a portion of a room. Say you have 20 minutes during lunch, this would be the perfect time to pick up the entryway, sort out any clothes (jackets, hats, etc) that are laying around, get shoes put away, and sweep or vacuum out the area. While you are picking up the clothing, see if there is anything that has been laying around unused - perhaps it is time to get rid of some clothing clutter and make a donation to Goodwill or the Salvation Army.

Just using these small bits of time that we have available can start to make big differences. Even once a week these quick decluttering jobs will make visible changes in your life. Consider what happens when we do this 2,3, or 4 times a week. What was a quick job to clean a counter turns into a clutter free area which then turns into a clutter free home! This is a huge help to ourselves and our life - adding these small decluttering opportunities together can result in large changes. Ready to start?

Grab a small piece of paper or a notecard. Keep it somewhere visible and write down when you do any of these little decluttering jobs. Write down how long it took and what you did. Aim for doing this at least twice per week. Seeing what you have done and the results around you can be a tremendous help. If you want to go the extra mile, take a picture (before and after) as a reminder of what can be accomplished with this spare moments.

Keep up the decluttering!

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Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Organize Your Mail Clutter

It is important to be in control of our paperwork; we don't always have control over what we receive in the form of paperwork and most of that tends to come from our mail. What we do have control over is how we deal with this source of clutter. With that in mind, let's look at a good way to deal with our mail.

Most people receive mail six days a week, this may depend on your specific location. Sometimes there are days when all that you receive is "junk" mail - mail that serves no purpose other than trying to sell you something or get you to donate money or some other distracting topic. We are all in the habit of getting our mail daily since that is the usual delivery schedule - but does that mean we have to let it occupy our space and time every day? No!

A good way to deal with the clutter that the mail becomes is to designate an in-box of some sort that you can place near the main entrance to your home. We are going to use this to put our mail in as soon as we come in the door. This way the mail does not end up on the dining table, a kitchen counter, or spread throughout the house. Use whatever you wish, a Tupperware container, a cardboard box, a magazine rack. Tuck it under a table, on top of a shoe rack - whatever works for you and gets you to use it regularly.

Now that we have a collection area for the mail, designate set times to go through the mail and weed out the clutter causing portions. Most people do not need to review their mail everyday. Most of us can get away with once or twice a week. Set up a schedule that you want to follow and start right away. When the time comes to review your mail in the in-box, go through it all and sort it completely:

Put ads and junk mail in the recycling or garbageFile or scan and digitize bills and important paperwork in the correct locations, get rid of the envelopes.

Take the time to read any personal letters and correspondence, again, get rid of envelopes and only keep the cards that you intend to display - boxes of cards that you never look at aren't going to bring you much happiness if you never see them!

Now that you have a plan and a schedule, enjoy! You have freed up some of your valuable time and will not have to keep track of paperwork that is cluttering up your home.

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Monday, 27 August 2012

In Need Of A Penetrating Concrete Driveway Sealer?

If you have any plans on doing some finishing touches on your garage, basement or driveway, then you should see to it that you look for water-based penetrating concrete driveway sealer. By adding a layer of this material, you will be able to ensure that you protect whatever concrete surface you may have from various outside factors. In addition to this, adding a layer of water based penetrating concrete sealer will make the surface more durable as well. Without a doubt, using this kind of finishing will boost the aesthetic and the functional value of your home.

Just make sure that you wait for the concrete to completely dry and settle before you add a layer of penetrating concrete driveway sealer. Manufacturers will always suggest waiting at least 7 to 14 days for your newly laid surface to fully cure. Wait for a couple more days before adding the layer of finishing. The protection afforded by the first layer should last for a couple of months. If you think that the finishing has started to wear off, then simply add another layer on top of it and you will be good to go.

A water based penetrating concrete driveway sealer will bond very well to the surface of any concrete, thus providing a durable layer of protection and strength. Since the finishing will penetrate the outer layer of the concrete surface, you will be able to expect a much stronger sealing effect as opposed to the other kinds of concrete sealer. Believe it or not, you will not even have to work with other kinds of solvent in order to use your water based penetrating sealer. All you need is a container, a brush, the sealer, and a concrete surface to put it on.

Using a water based penetrating concrete driveway sealer will also allow you to improve the aesthetics of the surface that you will put it on. With just a later of a good sealer, the concrete surface will look so much smoother and will actually be smoother to the touch as well. This is why this kind of finishing is very popular among homeowners with concrete walls and sidewalks. If you have a raw and exposed concrete surface in your home, all you have to do is to brush a layer of a penetrating concrete driveway sealer and watch it turn into a smoother and more finished surface right before your eyes.

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Sunday, 26 August 2012

Benefits of Using Homemade Carpet Cleaning Products

Cleaning the carpet can be an expensive activity for a homeowner, but unfortunately it is an important aspect in keeping your home clean and beautiful. A lot of expenses are spent on cleaning products and materials which are needed to remove the dust, dirt, stains, and marks on the carpet.

But cleaning your carpet doesn't always have to be done using expensive commercial carpet cleaning products. You can get it done by simply using some homemade cleaning solution that you can make yourself using some items around the house. This is a very good way to save some money while still being able to get your carpet well kept. Here are some of the advantages that you can have if you make use of homemade carpet cleaning products when cleaning your carpet at home.

• It is Less Expensive - One of the main considerations for homeowners to use homemade carpet cleaning products is the amount of money that you can save by doing so. Compared to commercial carpet cleaning products, using household items to make an effective cleaning solution can really help you save some money which you can use on more important things. By using household items instead of expensive, brand-name carpet cleaning products you can help keep your budget in check without compromising the cleanliness of your carpet.

• It is Convenient - Have you ever had a spill on your carpet at home and you didn't have a commercial carpet cleaning product available? For many people, this would mean taking a long trip to the grocery store and buying some and then going back home to clean up the mess. This can be pretty inconvenient and can really take a lot of time. If you are smart homeowner who knows how to make use of household items such as vinegar and ammonia to create a cleaning solution for the carpet, you can save yourself the hassle of rushing to the store to buy the commercial cleaning solutions. This way, you can get the job done by simply going to the kitchen or your closet and getting the materials which you can use.

Using household items to create a cleaning solution to help remove stains and dirt on your carpet certainly has a lot of advantages to offer. The next time you are facing any kind of cleaning problem on your carpet, why don't you try using household cleaning solutions so that you can get your carpet clean while saving yourself some money and from a lot of hassle.

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Saturday, 25 August 2012

How to Take Stains Out of Carpet Naturally

How many times have you bought a commercial carpet cleaning product only to find out it doesn't work as promised? Those harsh, sometimes toxic chemicals and their "pie crust" promises (easily made and broken promises) are not necessary to get stains out of carpet. Maybe it is time to learn more about how to take stains out of carpet the natural way. Did you know that natural cleaning products outperform most commercial cleaning products? You can mix these homemade cleaning solutions from a few simple ingredients found right in your home.

The Truth About Green Cleaners for Carpet

Most of the major brand retail carpet cleaning products contain harsh and sometimes dangerous chemicals and compounds. Next time you head out to the market or home center just take a look at the sheer number of cleaning products available. You may also want to take a look at some of the warning labels on some of these products. Since listing all the ingredients is not mandatory for manufacturers, you will likely miss some critical information about dangerous chemicals. Information that could affect your health or the health of those you care about. Does this mean you must exchange the health of your family to have clean carpets? Not necessarily.

Natural Carpet Cleaning Solutions That Really do Work

Here is the best way to clean your carpet without using harsh, toxic chemical cleaning products. First, treat the carpet stain as soon as possible by blotting up or removing as much of the staining liquid or substance. Next, try to treat the carpet stain by spraying water or club soda onto the stained area. Be careful not to let any water or club soda fall outside the stained area. Clean toward the center of the stain. Let it soak or fizz for about 10 to 15 seconds and blot the area once again. Use a vacuum or wet-dry vac to remove any remaining moisture.

For really tough carpet stains, you may want to try a mixture of two parts water with one part white distilled vinegar. Use this vinegar cleaner the same way as described in the previous paragraph. If there is grease in the carpet stain, add a teaspoon of dish or laundry detergent to the water/vinegar mixture. Be sure to rinse and remove all residual soap as these can collect dirt and cause a stain themselves. Again, dry out the area as quickly as possible. Any moisture may wick any remaining dirt or stain to the surface of the carpet.

The Best Reasons to Stop Using Harsh Chemical Cleaning Products

According to NBC's Today Show, determining the toxicity levels of some commercially manufactured cleaning products can be tricky. In order to make their home safer for her husband and two children, Lindsay Allen had made it a priority to clean greener in her home. Many years ago, Lindsay's father was exposed to toxins while on the job. According to Lindsay, "It really led to just kind of a heightened sensitivity in me, in creating a toxic-free environment for my family." Some folks, like Lindsay, make the transition to green cleaning in order to protect their health and the health of their family. Others go green out of concern for dumping toxic chemicals into the environment.

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Friday, 24 August 2012

Getting Cigarette Smoke Smells Out of Your Carpet

Having a carpet at home can really add a lot of class and personality to your home. It certainly helps improve the mood and atmosphere of any room you place it in. But while it can help make a room better, if it has unpleasant odor then it will surely do the exact opposite.

One of the problematic situations that many homeowners face is dealing with cigarette smoke smells from the carpet. If there are people who smoke cigarettes inside the home, its smell can get left behind on the carpet fiber causing quite an embarrassing situation particularly if you have visitors and guests over.

Getting rid of the cigarette smoke smells from your carpet can be a tall order but it certainly isn't impossible. If you want to learn how you can solve this carpet problem, just check out the simple and easy to follow guide below.

• The first thing that you will need to do is to gather the materials which we'll be using for this task. What you will need is some baking soda, an empty talcum or baby powder container, and a vacuum cleaner. The baking soda is great for removing unpleasant odor and will surely make your carpet smell clean once more. Once you have these on hand you can proceed and start getting rid of the cigarette odor on your carpet.

• Now, place some of the baking soda inside the empty powder container and go to the areas of the carpet where the cigarette smell is coming from. If you cannot really pinpoint the portion of the carpet where the smell is concentrated, then you are better off proceeding on the entire carpet. Sprinkle the area thoroughly with the baking soda using the container to evenly apply it to the carpet.

• Leave the baking soda on the carpet for 6 or more hours. The longer you leave it there the better. If you can afford to do so, leave it overnight for best results.

• The following morning, get your heavy duty vacuum cleaner and suck out the baking soda from the carpet. You will notice that the nasty cigarette odor will be gone and your carpet will now be smelling clean and fresh.

Cigarette smells should no longer be a problem as long as you follow the guide above. Don't let this annoying problem embarrass you anymore. Follow the tips and get your carpet smelling clean again in no time.

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Thursday, 23 August 2012

What to Know About Tile and Grout Cleaning

Tile is one of the most used materials for flooring and walls in mudrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. While this durable flooring material creates a beautiful look, it can become dingy looking over time as the grout absorbs dirt and bacteria from foot traffic. Many people are familiar with the age old method of tile and grout cleaning involving hours of hard labor while on your hands and knees with a toothbrush, however this is no more. Tile and grout cleaning service companies are the answer to your prayers with affordable services which give outstanding results.

While there are many versions of grout cleaner available at your local home improvement store, none of them offer the same power as professional grade cleaners. The special chemicals that are used by tile and grout cleaning companies are formulated to get even the deepest stains out of tile and grout. You can hire professionals to clean any type of tile or grout in any room of your home. Specifically, a deep steam clean extraction machine will be used to push out and suck up any dirt that is trapped in the pores of the grout. This process is essential to bringing the look of your tile grout back to life. Tile and grout cleaning service companies will then seal the grout to help prevent future stains.

Choosing the right tile and grout cleaning company is important. You can start by asking your family and friends if they have specific referrals for businesses in the area. It is also beneficial to consult online review websites to find out more information from non-biased customers who have also used the services of the companies you are considering. Contact the company to find out what kind of services they offer. If you have children or pets then you will want to choose a company which offers non-toxic cleaners as they will be safer for your animals. You should also ask if the company offers any type of grout replacement plan or resealing option. Sealing your grout will help protect it from wearing down due to floor cleaners, moisture and general abuse from people walking on it. Grout cleaning is less important for home maintenance than other forms of cleaning. Generally you only need to call upon a professional for tile and grout cleaning once per year. If the grout is then sealed it will make future cleaning easier and more affordable.

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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Cutting Clutter With Furniture Storage

Hopefully your furniture isn't part of your clutter - in fact, it can be part of the solution. By making smart choices when selecting new furniture, or by making changes to existing furniture, we can help cut our clutter by adding storage space in an otherwise unused area.

One of the best choices we can make with regards to furniture is to get a bed that has storage space underneath it. There are several methods we can use depending on whether or not we are getting new furniture or making changes to an existing setup.

If buying new, look for beds that have multiple drawers underneath. Utilizing multiple drawers will keep you from using one big drawer as a catch all for random clothes and other nick nacks laying around. Remember - we want to keep it organized and serving a purpose, not filling up with clutter.

If you are not in the market for a new bed but can purchase a new frame, look for a frame that would fit your existing mattress and springs. Many time these can be purchased fairly economically and come in a range of styles and drawer configurations.

Take a look at your local market place; search on Craigslist or other online options for used frames with drawers. This can reduce the cost from buying new and save money on delivery.

Do you have access to a shop or someone that can make a drawer system for you? The raw materials for a project like this is not very expensive and can save a lot of money compared to buying new. A quick search on Google for "build your own bedframe with drawers" shows many results that give instructions on how to do this.

Remember that the idea is to give ourselves more storage space and options for reducing clutter; we do not want this to turn into a clutter collection point! Use this space to keep piles of clothing from forming around your bed, use extra space in the drawers for items that are frequently needed but only when in or going to bed.

This idea of dual use furniture can apply in other areas as well. Do you use footstool or coffee tables? Both of these can be had with extra storage. Footstools that act as a chest can be easily found and coffee tables with drawers or an opening top are also common. Utilizing these can give you space for organization and clutter reduction that otherwise wouldn't exist in your home. Try giving these a shot and enjoy the reduced clutter in your house!

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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Pet Urine - How to Remove the Urine Smell From Carpets

In order to remove pet urine smell from carpets, it is important to first understand how the odor is caused, and what deodorization implies. It will then be easy to choose and apply the most effective and relevant procedures.

The main component of freshly excreted urine is uric acid, which is just slightly acidic. Other constituents include enzymes, cholesterol, urea and trace amounts of other chemicals. The offensive smell is quickly generated as the water evaporates and it is transformed into a mild alkaline. That is why it becomes stronger under humid conditions, or when the carpet is wet.These urine salts also provide a perfect breeding ground for many kinds of microorganisms, whose metabolic byproducts also contribute to the bad odor.

Incidentally, the yellowish color is a result of rapid oxidation of acidic components in the urine.

Generally, deodorization of carpet is accomplished by applying the following types of chemicals:

Odor Substitutes. These will mask the smell by exchanging it for one with a more pleasant odor - like perfume.Combiners. These will pair and react with the odor molecule and neutralize it.Enzymes. These will break down proteins and digest waste solids so that the odor causing microorganism dies for lack of food.Disinfectants. These will also kill bacteria, but will have no effect on other chemicals which may be the source of the odors

One potential problem with urine smell removal from carpet, is that the urine spots may not always be readily visible. Sometimes, the yellow stain may not appear, and this is particularly problematic, especially when the carpet is orange or brown in color. The solution to this, is to use an ultraviolet or "black" light to locate the stains, which will show up in the dark under these conditions.

If there is too much lighting in the room, it will probably be necessary to use a high intensity UV light source.

Once the problem area is identified, it should be sprayed with an acidic solution to decompose the alkaline salts and residues on the carpet fibers. Most janitorial or cleaning supply shops will carry suitable tannin, coffee or urine treatment spotters which will do the job. The chemical should then be groomed into the fibers and left to react for at least 10 minutes.

Next, rinse the area with warm water and spray with an enzyme complex designed for urine neutralization treatment. Leave this on the carpet for 15 minutes.

The final step is to clean the carpet thoroughly, with the regular carpet cleaning procedures. Deep steam cleaning with truck-mounted equipment is the preferred method.

In cases of severe contamination, a disinfectant may be injected directly into the area, or sprayed directly over it. It may also need to be sprayed directly unto the carpet backing and substrate.

Generally speaking, odor substitutes should rarely be used, because they really do not remove the smell from the carpet, and only postpone the problem.

When all else fails to correct the problem, replace the pad under the carpet, treat the back and substrate, and then re-install and clean the carpet.

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Monday, 20 August 2012

Tips and Process for Hiring a Live-In Nanny or Housekeeper

Hiring a live-in nanny or your own cleaning lady is a difficult task. This person will spend a significant amount of time with you, with your family, your children, and possibly be in your home alone at various times. You will rely on the individual on a daily basis to do the work that has to be done, to get along with you, to treat you with respect, and to form a good working part of your family.

Because this is a highly personal, sensitive and interactive role, the person you choose to hire is of critical importance and the most important success factors in the relationship. Choosing a live-in nanny or cleaning lady that is honest, hard-working, motivated, and generally upbeat will make your life much easier and more pleasant. In the section below, you will find information that will help you find, interview, hire and retain the right people.

Hiring your live-in nanny or cleaning lady starts with posting your job; people need to know that you are hiring before they can apply. There are many places where you can post for jobs, ranging from print, to online, to word-of mouth.

Posting online has rapidly become a cost effective and efficient way to post for jobs. People are increasingly spending more and more time on their personal computers, and becoming more familiar and comfortable with seeking employment through online job sites. Some good places to start are:
Kijiji - kijiji.caWorkopolis - workopolis.comMonster -

These are the largest and most popular sites, but may not always be the best choice for sourcing local talent. There are also local websites and publications in which to post for jobs that may yield better responses. Though we can't list these all in this publication because the list would be millions of entries long, we encourage you to look into these sources on your own!

Print has traditionally been the best way to post for jobs. There are a large number of magazines, newspapers, publications, job boards, and other methods where you can post your job in print format. These publications range from large dailies such as the Globe and Mail (in Canada), to small independent ethnic publications, such as the Epoch Times, a Chinese newspaper in Toronto. To learn about your options for advertising in newspapers in your area, and if you live in Canada, go to the following site:

There are plenty of community and national newspapers. So you can look for relevant newspapers in your area which you may be interested in posting jobs in. Additionally, you can then call those businesses and find out about other local advertising options.

Another possible route is to contact local Business Associations and Chambers of Commerce. Oftentimes cities, municipalities, towns, and regions will have resources devoted to putting people to work, and you can take advantage of these to find yourself qualified employees as well as places to promote your jobs.

Word of Mouth
Word of mouth is probably the easiest and most reliable way to find good employees. Much of the job market is hidden in this way. The benefits of using word of mouth is that you can ask people you know who are reliable, honest and hardworking to recommend people that they know. If you ask the right people, they will likely only recommend other friends and/or family that is similarly reliable, honest and hardworking, because they know their reputation is on the line.

However, you should still put word of mouth employee referrals through your regular application and interview process.

If you do decide to post online, choosing the wording of your job posting will determine the type of response you can expect to get. If you do decide to post online or through a print publication, you may choose to use something such as the following, which we have prepared and may work well:

Wanted: Trustworthy Cleaning Lady
Level: Hired Employee
Responsibilities: Clean Single-Family Residence
Position: Weekly or more
Start Date: Immediate
Compensation: Hourly
Other: Car Not Required

Contact: Jane Atwood
Phone: +1 (647) 746-3954

After you post your job, you will almost always begin to get inquiries immediately, both by phone and by email. Most interested employees will have further questions to ask you about your business, the job requirements and responsibilities, and the opportunity. Some typical questions you can expect are:
What are the hours I'm expected to work?Do you pay by cash or check?Do I require a Social Insurance Number?What is the compensation?What is the location of the job, and how do I get there?What will I be expected to do once I have been hired?Do I need prior experience?What are the next steps?

You should be prepared to answer all reasonable questions for your potential employees. Of course, any serious, diligent employee (the type you probably want to hire), should be expected to have a lot of questions. After all, this individual is also making a commitment to you, and has to know it's a role he or she wants to fill. Keep in mind that throughout the call or e-mail correspondence, your interviewing process has actually already begun.

We recommend that you use their initial communication with you as an opportunity to pre-screen them and determine whether you want to invite them for an interview. Although the nature of the requirements will vary depending on the types of questions you want to ask, there are some fairly typical questions you should consider asking:
Are you legally eligible to work in Canada?Have you ever been convicted of a crime?Do you have prior experience in this field?Can you work all of the required hours?Do you have any other jobs or commitments that could interfere with your responsibilities?Can you provide references?

These basic questions will ensure that you are inviting people for interviews that are qualified to be employed by your business. Although the above is not an exhaustive list and should be tailored to each situation, it is a good starting point. After you are satisfied that the potential employee is qualified to do the job you are hiring for, you have the option of inviting them for an interview.

If you decide to invite someone for an interview, you should set up a date and time that is convenient for both of you to meet.

When you invite someone for an interview, you should tell them to bring certain information, because you will be asking them to fill out an application form.

You should tell them to bring:
Their Social Insurance Card or Work PermitOne other piece of identificationTheir contact information including: phone number, address, and emailTheir personal information including: full name and date of birthInformation on a minimum of three prior places of employment including:Employer NameEmployer AddressDates of EmploymentReason for LeavingJob DescriptionContact Person Name and Phone Number

Upon arrival, you must control the process and timeline of the interview. It is recommended that an interview last approximately half an hour (1/2 hour). A sample and recommended timeline is below:

Step 1: Greet Applicant (Two minutes)
When the applicant arrives, you should strive to make them feel comfortable and at home. You can do this by inviting the applicant to take a seat, and by offering the applicant a beverage (non-alcoholic), such as water, coffee, or soda.

Step 2: Applicant Fills Out Application (Five Minutes)
At this point, the applicant will be filling out the application form that you have provided which will contain those basic fields listed above. In addition, you may ask them to fill out responses to a predetermined set of questions that you believe will be relevant or useful to you in selecting the most qualified candidate for the job for which you are hiring. During this time, you may wish to take note of a few items which can give you clues as to the suitability and qualification of the potential candidate, such as:
Did the candidate arrive on time to the interview?Did the candidate bring the required and requested information?Did the candidate come dressed appropriately to the interview?Was the candidate polite and energetic?

These clues will give you insight into how the applicant will perform at work on a day-to-day basis.

Step 3: Company and Position Overview (Five Minutes)
After the applicant has finished filling out the required application form, your goal should be to learn as much as possible about them. However, you must also convince the applicant that they should choose to work with you as opposed to somewhere else. This will always be true as the best and most qualified applicants generally are in high demand and will receive multiple offers of employment.

Step 4: Behavioural Interview (Five Minutes)
After you have learned about the candidate's personality, skills, qualifications, capabilities, motivations, and aspirations, the behavioural portion of the interview should focus on questions relating to personality, motivations, and aspirations. In this section you are really trying to find out who the person is and whether he or she would be a good fit for you. Some typical questions could be:
Why do you want to do this job?What would excite you, motivate you, or de-motivate you in this position?How long do you want to do this job for? A few months? Years?Why should I hire you?

Of course, the list above is not complete, and you should develop questions which you think help you learn about your applicants and give you insight into whether they would do the job well and get along with yourself, your other employees, and your clients.

Step 5: Technical Interview (Five Minutes)
After you find out about their personality, you may want to ask them some questions about the items they wrote on the application. For example, if they claim to have prior experience in a cleaning role or management role, you may ask questions related to those roles to gauge their abilities. For example:
What were the responsibilities at your prior job?What did you do well and what did you do poorly? What cleaning products are you familiar with?Which cleaning surfaces have you worked with?Have you managed employees before?

Step 6: Questions (Five Minutes)
Lastly, you will want to give you applicant the opportunity to ask questions. Many companies place a lot of importance on this particular portion of the interview, because it gives you the opportunity to see whether someone has taken the time and effort to think about your business, as well as think about working there, and prepare some relevant questions.

Before the applicant leaves, it is necessary to get their permission to do a background check, which you will be conducting before extending an offer of employment

Between the interview(s) you conduct and the application they have filled out, you should have a pretty good idea about the qualifications and capabilities of your potential employees. After you have conducted your interviews, it is time to make a decision.

If you are unsatisfied with the applicants and believe that no one is capable and qualified to do the job, then you may consider restarting the process, posting another job, and interviewing more candidates. If you feel that you have an applicant that is qualified and capability, the next step is not to make them an offer.

Before you make a candidate an offer, you should consider doing a background and reference check.

Reference Checks
A reference check is a procedure used to verify the accuracy of information that the applicant has represented on his or her job application. Reference checks are done to ensure that the hiring and screening process is fair, and that potential employees have the experiences, skills, and capabilities necessary and which they have represented on their application.

In a typical reference check, you will call the contact person your applicant has listed that is relevant to his or her prior employment experience. It is recommended that you call all three prior places of employment, but only that you call the contact person your applicant has listed on his or her application.

Before you call, you may want to do some basic checks to ensure that accuracy and validity of the information represented, such as:
Verifying the existence of the company through simple means such as websiteVerify the company phone number through phone listingsVerify the contact person's employment by calling the company's main lineVerifying the contact person's job position or title by calling the company's main lineDo not mention what you are calling about (keep the nature of the call discrete and do not mention the name of your applicant)

It is important that you make sure that you are actually speaking to the purported individual at the appropriate company; any applicant that has the intent to be untruthful on his or her application will surely take basic (and maybe more advanced) measures to mislead you.

If and when you do speak to the appropriate person (in most cases you will, because most employees are truthful), you should ask some basic questions about the applicant, such as:
Why did the applicant's position terminate with the company?Can you confirm the dates of employment of the applicant?Can you confirm the position, title, and responsibilities of the applicant?Did the applicant perform his or her duties competently and fully?Would you hire the employee?Did the employee work well in teams and alone?Was he or she well-liked, well mannered, agreeable, motivated, and hard working?

The above should give you a decent starting point for crafting the right and appropriate questions for your reference checks. However, in many cases, former employers will not answer subjective questions relating to your applicant's employment. This is because answering questions leaves the former employer open to liability should the former employer misrepresent your applicant's performance. As a result, you can expect many former employers to only answer purely factual questions, such as confirming the employee's former employment as well as the dates of employment.

After posting for a job, interviewing candidates, doing background and references checks, and selecting a candidate, the next step is to present him or her with a formal offer of employment.

When you make an offer of employment, you must disclose to the prospective employee (if you have not done so already) their compensation. It is recommended that you present them with full disclosure about their starting hourly rate or salary, along with their potential for bonuses, promotions or benefits.

Having an open conversation about compensation upfront will put you both on the same page before the discussion progresses too far, and will ensure that compensation is not a surprise when you extend an offer.

Job Description and Requirements
Similarly, when you present someone with an offer, you should formally describe the job responsibilities and expectations, including, but not limited to:
The hours of operationThe expected number of work hours per weekThe job responsibilities and job titleDress code, professionalism and code of conduct expectations

Probation Period and Review
Lastly, you will want to inform the new employee that their ongoing employment is subject to the customary three month probation period. You should clarify that you will be monitoring their performance over the next several months to ultimately determine their suitability and qualification for the role.

After three months, you must evaluate your prospective employees' performance and determine whether the prospective applicant is suitable and qualified to become a full-time permanent staff member. You may do this in accordance with the review standards set below. If you decide to extend a full time offer of employment to the individual, it is recommended that you hire him or her as a Staff Member (as defined below).

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Sunday, 19 August 2012

Molds: Is There An Enemy Lurking in Your Home?

As your primary place of relaxation and rest from the day's hard work, your home should be a place that gives an ambiance of total tranquility and stillness. It should be a place where you can be totally free from the cares and worries that the outside world brings. But as circumstances would have it, we cannot always be sure about everything. While we may take the necessary precautions to keep our homes safe, there are instances that problems occur and it interferes with the comfort that we are supposed to enjoy in our very own home.

One such problem that we may encounter is the growth of molds. How does mold get to invade our homes? Well, there are a lot of factors that are conducive to the growth of molds. A high level of humidity, wetness, and warmth, all of these are natural factors that promote its growth. Other factors can be attributed to defective installation inside your home, such as blocked air-conditioning, leaky pipes, and leaky roofs. The ravage caused by a natural calamity, such as flooding in your area, can also be a cause of mold growth in your home.

Although molds are such a tiny organism, we simply can't take it for granted. For one thing, its spores spread fast and easily. Another thing is that It can have such a drastic effect on our health that dismissing it for a minor problem would be tantamount to risking our very health and well being. To illustrate this point further, the following paragraphs will delve into a discussion of some of the most common adverse effects of molds in our health.

There are mold species that are known to be toxic to human beings. This kind causes much distress to vulnerable age groups such as infants, young children, and the elderly. These particular groups, together with those who have weak immune systems are likely to suffer health problems such as inflammations, infections, allergies and invasive diseases because of molds.

Our bodies cannot tolerate too much mold intake and will adversely react to it, making us experience a variety of symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, inability to focus and think clearly, as well as lack of concentration. Other adverse health conditions arising from mold intake are as follows: mood swing, skin rashes, memory problems, IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome), coughing and sneezing, chronic fatigue, inability to eat, immune system suppression, nose and throat irritation, as well as burning, watery, and reddened eyes.

These adverse health effects caused by molds necessitates its prompt removal from our homes. To make sure that it will not be a recurring problem, the best option is to hire a professional with proper training in mold removal. Doing so will give you confidence that your home is indeed a safe haven for you and your family.

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Saturday, 18 August 2012

Hardware Store Carpet Shampoo - Don't Waste Your Money!

Using the low-strength chemicals that came with your low-power extractor only compounds the problem faced by the do-it-yourself carpet cleaner. All that back-breaking work will ultimately be for naught because everything in those little jugs are watered down versions of what the Professionals use.

For example, let's start with the extraction shampoo (shampoo being a misnomer, there is little foam). As a pro, I've used cleaners that are diluted to a strength of one ounce per gallon of water. Because of their high pH, they are very good at grease emulsification at that strength. Now look at the bottle that came with your home version. I've seen consumer products that call for 2 to 4 cups of their "shampoo". They keep the pH lower to prevent you from browning your carpets, so even at that strength, it's not as effective. Also, it leaves a lot of quickly re-soiling residue in your carpets

Her's another little tip. If you are using one of those little rotary scrubbers that were so popular at one time, quit. Now. They do use actual shampoo to dissolve the crud in your carpets. Pour a little of the rug shampoo on a small plate and let it dry. Once dry, put your finger in the residue. It will be very sticky. That is one of the reasons your carpets resoil so quickly. Professional carpet "shampoo" dries to a fine powder that comes out of your rugs the first time you vacuum them.

Another joke is the pet odor products available at the hardware store. They don't work. They merely mask them. This is a story for another time.

The stain removers available are not that bad, but they don't tell people how to use them. I will. First, I am going to reveal a secret that will startle and amaze you. I don't know if other professional cleaners know it. I was told this secret by another pro on his deathbed. I have told no one else, until now. The tools needed to remove 99% of the stains on your carpets are 1) an old butter knife, 2) an absorbent towel, 3) an old toothbrush and 4) denture cleaner tablets. That's the big secret.

First, mix a tablet with about a cup of water. Use the toothbrush to mix a little solution into the stain. Don't scrub too hard, you'll make your carpet fuzzy. Now use the knife to "squeegee" the stain out of the rug. Then use the towel. Folding it several times put it on the spot and stand on it. No stomping, just stand there for about a minute. The moisture will wick into the towel and be there instead of in your carpet.

Constant attention to spots and stains will ease the need for overall cleaning. Scan your carpets and remove the visible stains about once a month. Call the pros when traffic lane soiling becomes apparent. And don't tell anyone about the denture tablets.

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Friday, 17 August 2012

Commercial Carpet Cleaning - How the Pros Do It

In the carpet cleaning industry, there is a lot of fights amongst the companies. All of them are trying to be the first in the branch, which adequately provides a high competition. Sometimes the work of the carpet cleaners can involve a lot of difficulties. As any commercial cleaning employees that have to be available in the day, sometimes they are required to take night shifts and even work in the weekends. However, none of these professionals can survive in the cleaning industry without a handful amount of cleaning techniques.

Here, in this article I can present you some of them, such as carpet steam cleaning, shampoo cleaning, quick dry carpet cleaning and spot cleaning.

Carpet steam cleaning

This method is widely used nowadays. It involves setting up of a steam cleaning machine that uses vacuum and cleaning solution. It looks like a bigger vacuum cleaner, but its technology is kinda different. It releases cleaning solution and steam deep into the surface of the carpet. However, one of its disadvantages is that it leaves the carpet moisten, no matter the dry pass of the area with the wand. This particular method is good for offices and also areas with tight spaces. The carpet has to dry for a few days after the procedure.

Carpet shampoo Cleaning

Again a machine is involved in this method, as the carpet steam cleaning. However, the machine is called floor buffer, also known as rotary floor machine. To successfully use this machine, mix carpet shampoo using the manufacturer's manual. You can also make a pre-treatment with a vacuum cleaner, so any solid debris and dirt can be cleaned. This will ease the machine's cleaning efforts. You should note that this cleaner should be moved in circular motion, when the shampoo is released and back-and-forth, when you are proceeding to the next area. This method is good when it comes to heavy polluted areas, like a traffic path or building entries.

Spot cleaning

This is not a type of cleaning actually, but more like a good preparation. The spot cleaning involves a handful amount of different chemical cleaners on hand. It is a must for every professional to have rust, gum and, of course, all-purpose spot removers. You never know what type of pollution you are going to face, so better be prepared, especially if you are claiming to provide good carpet cleaning service.

Dry carpet cleaning

This method is very similar to the shampoo cleaning. It actually uses the same machine, but it just requires different set of attachments and tools. The dry carpet cleaning is especially useful when it comes to quick and complete cleaning of any commercial area. It is widely used in busy places and by hotels, as they need fast and efficient cleaning to keep up with their work. The actual procedure involves an attachment called bonnet pad. It looks like a flat and round mop and it does the cleaning. A cleaning solution is also used and it is poured into the cleaning machine. However, a pre-treatment should be performed in order to increase the cleaning results. This tip goes not only for carpet cleaning, but many other cleaning tasks.

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Thursday, 16 August 2012

Getting Rid of Nail Polish Stains on Your Carpet

Nail polish can really enhance a woman's fingers and toes. It can be a great accent to a beautiful dress or simply something that you can have fun with and customize according to your mood. But while it can have a very good impact on your appearance, it can also be a cause for concern if you accidentally spill some of that nail polish on your carpet.

Nail polish spills are very hard to clean up. They can really alter the carpet's appearance which is why knowing how to properly clean it up is vital. If you are dealing with this problem at home then you are in luck. Below is an effective guide which I have used in cleaning up the polish stains on the carpet. Just follow it so that you won't have to worry about getting your carpet clean and back to normal anymore.

1. Try to remove as much of the polish spilled on the carpet by scooping it using a spoon or a dull knife. If you are just dealing with minor spills though you can simple get a clean paper towel and blot the affected area. It is important that you do not rub the spill as you can only make it worse.

2. Once you have removed the excess liquid, it's now time for you to add a few drops of nail polish remover onto the stain that is left behind on the carpet. Before you do this you must make sure that the polish remover is safe to use on your carpet. To do this, simply add a drop or two on an inconspicuous part of the carpet to see if it does any damage. If there is any discoloration or damage then try using a different carpet cleaning solution, if it does nothing then you are safe to use it.

3. After applying a few drops of the polish remover, blot the area again using a paper towel. By doing this you will be able to remove a little of the stain but you will need to proceed to the next step to completely get it out.

4. Next, mix a teaspoon of non-bleach laundry detergent with ¾ liters of water. Apply this onto the stained area and then blot it repeatedly using a clean white cloth. After a while you will see that the stain is transferring from the carpet and onto the cloth. Do this until the nail polish stain is completely removed.

5. Rinse the area with clean water and dry it up using clean rags. This is so that no residue will get left behind on the carpet.

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Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Curtain Cleaning - Read More About It

Curtains are often completely overlooked by home owners when it comes to regular cleaning. They quietly sit on their bars protecting the house from the heat, cold, sunlight and providing privacy. What few people realize is that the fabrics that are used to make curtains are often magnets for dust and allergens. Curtains that are left hanging without being properly cleaned will begin to dull and lose their appeal. Cleaning your curtains is not only important for keeping a clean look in your home, but is also important because it gives your drapes a break from the constant beating sun which can fade the fabrics.

Curtain cleaning is easier than you may think. For many home owners, having to take down your curtains to take them to a dry cleaner or toss them in the washer is a difficult task. It may require two or more people and may even involve having to remove some types of hardware. Hiring curtain cleaning professionals is the better option. This allows consumers to have a team of professional come into your home and vacuum, steam clean and treat your curtains while they are still hanging. The process is short and sweet and saves home owners time and money.

Steam cleaning is the most popular process for cleaning fabrics today. It works its way into the threads of the fabric to remove any dust that has trapped itself inside. Curtains can be very expensive which is why utilizing curtain cleaning is a must. The more elegant your curtains are, the more you will need to hire a professional to prevent any type of damage. In addition to cleaning the curtains, these companies will also apply a protective fabric coating to the curtains which helps protect them from sun damage and makes them resistant to dust that is floating in the air.

Curtain cleaning services are available everywhere. It is a more affordable and less pain staking option that attempting to remove your curtains and clean them yourself. With drapes costing as much as several thousands of dollars per pair, regular cleanings is critical to help them last longer. Curtain cleaning is necessary every six months at least. The process is relatively convenient and only takes a few hours to complete. You will find curtain cleaning services through companies that offer other home cleaning services such as carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning and tile and grout cleaning.

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Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Find A Reliable Maid Service Business

Maid service is something that homeowners, renters and business owners utilize. This service is designed to offer a way for people to have clean homes or offices, without doing the work themselves. Because of people's busy schedules, it can be hard to find time to clean. Many people do not feel like doing these tasks when they get home in the evenings. This is why companies that offer cleaning services are so important and valuable.

When you decide to hire a maid service, there are several things that you should keep in mind. For one thing, you will want a company that is professional and experienced. This is very important. A professional company will offer great results, and will handle things in a professional manner. The next thing is finding a company that is licensed and insured. If something was to happen in your home while the maid service was there, you would want the peace of mind knowing that the company is insured. This is important in the event of a theft of an item out of your home, or if the worker became injured during some type of cleaning activity.

Another important aspect of hiring a professional company is trust. When you hire a company like this, you are letting a complete stranger into your home. In most cases, you will not even be home when the services take place. It is important to hire a company that pre-screens all of its workers. This includes performing background checks on the workers and drug tests on each one. This will assure you that the worker that shows up to clean your home is trustworthy and conscientious. This is one of the most important things that homeowners look for.

Hiring a maid service is a great choice. When the worker shows up, she will clean everything that you specify. If there are certain things you do not want her to clean, she will simply skip over them. For example, some people do not want someone else cleaning their master bedroom. If this is the case, it is not a problem. The workers will skip this room and focus on the other areas in your home. You can set up a schedule with the company to have them come every week, every other week or once a month. If you are hosting a special celebration or gathering at your home and you would like it cleaned on a different day or an additional day, just let the company know. These companies are willing to work around the customers' schedules and their goal is to make the customer happy.

Do some research to learn more about maid services. This will give you more time to spend on other things and it will help reduce your level of stress. You can trust a company that is experienced and licensed. They will do a great job in your home or office.

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Monday, 13 August 2012

Get Rid Of Shoe Clutter With A Shoe Rack

The entry way to the home is an important place. When we enter our homes, it is the first place we see and the first place we start putting things down. Usually, the first item to come off is shoes and boots. Shoes can become a source of clutter and begin to pile up at our entry ways - don't let that happen; we want to come home to a house that has an open and uncluttered entry. The first impression can be a lasting one. Imagine getting off of work and coming into your home with a spacious and clean entry. Now imagine coming into an entry with piles of shoes and shoes all over the place, having to pick your way through the clutter into order to not step on all of these things! You probably feel two very different feelings.

A simple addition to your entry area can make things much simpler. Getting a 2 or 3 level shoe rack takes care of the clutter for you. Even if you have many shoes, boots, and other odds and ends, having the shoe rack out will help declutter your area. If it is right there when you come in the door you won't have to even think about using it - you just will. When others see that there is an area for shoes and boots they will also put their belongings near the rack - it's human nature to follow along with others! Think about when you have gone into a home with a shoe rack or a coat rack; you know exactly where to put your things and that you are probably expected to put them in the correct place. Speaking of coat racks, putting one in your entryway can also be a great idea for reducing clutter from jackets, overcoats, and hats.

Both shoe racks and hat racks can be cheaply bought, both new and used. If you have the time and tools you can make them yourself for a few dollars. I see these items for sale on Craigslist often and have picked up several nice coat racks after moving to a new area. Shoe racks are usually cheaper than coat racks and can be found new for as little as ten of fifteen dollars at stores such as Target, Walmart, etc. They are a great way to get you clutter organized and make your home a little less messy.

A great side effect of using a shoe rack is that you and your visitors will be less likely to wear shoes indoors, this will help keep your home cleaner and reduce the frequency with which you need to vacuum or sweep. This alone makes it worth the cost in my mind!

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Sunday, 12 August 2012

The Use Of Steam Cleaners For Healthy Living

To be healthy is an essential aspect of ones life. Be it in the food we eat or the way we live. To live in a fresh and pleasant atmosphere makes one to be healthy. Even the best methods we use for cleaning will not get rid of grease or embedded dirt. A steam cleaner is the best solution to having a clean and healthy home. It can access areas that cannot be cleaned by conventional methods.

The operating principle of the steam cleaner is quite straightforward. Water, when heated to a high temperature, becomes steam. The vapour is extremely hot and is as high as 200 degrees F. This steam, along with the associated heat, makes it possible to clean each and every corner of one's home. Wet steam and dry steam make the two elements of steam. The wet steam loosens the link between the dirt and stains with the various surfaces to which dirt adheres. Every hole or crevice can be cleaned and sanitized with the vapor. By the action of dry steam on easily accessible surfaces, the dirt or oil can be wiped off.

One of the greatest advantages of steam cleaning is that it uses no chemicals. It is water converted to steam that does the cleaning. The whole operation, not only cleans but deodorizes at the same time. Steam cleaning is the best alternative in keeping ones home clean. This is especially true when there are small children or people who are allergic to chemicals.

Steam cleaning also has another significant benefit. It can rid ones home of pests and rodents and that too without having to use any pesticide. As the hot steam enters every nook or crevice in ones home, it kills germs, dust mites, mold spores, viruses and bacteria. It is, therefore, possible to sanitize ones entire home. It is also beneficial in homes where a person or child has had some form of infection.

A steam cleaner is an indispensable addition to ones home. It would mean that along with having a clean home, one would also be rid of any pests or viruses. One would be able to live in a totally healthy atmosphere. The water vapour sanitizes ones living spaces without the use of any chemical means. The use of chemical based cleaners is risky. We are, therefore, spared the risks that are often associated with its use.

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Saturday, 11 August 2012

What's Living In Your Rug?

The best kind of rug owner makes sure that his or her rug is cleaned and maintained. This usually includes taking the rug in to be cleaned by professionals, but some rug owners choose to clean their rugs at home by themselves.

It's suggested that rug owners clean their rugs themselves through vacuuming periodically to keep it in good nick.

However, these repetitive basic cleans, by means of vacuum or maybe a gentle spot treatment chemical, without a professional clean every 6-12 months can leave some pretty nasty things trapped in your rug.

What's living in your rug, you ask.

If you use your home vacuum to clean your rug, you can maintain you it and eliminate sometimes up to 80 to 85% of dirt and dry soil. This is a great improvement and will make it cleaner for longer.

However, unfortunately the remaining percentage of dry soil, dust and dirt is the nastiest stuff because it is heavier or too small and will accumulate over time. And using your vacuum over and over will never pull these out from the deepest fibres of your rug.

Of course, there are those who try to clean their rug themselves by using a pressure hose to blast the rug which will remove a lot of dirt along with most of the rug as well. Please, Please never use this method to clean your rug, it will damage it beyond repair.

Professionals now use of state of the art machines to remove soiling from your rug. You can bet that anyone in the business for long uses more gentle methods to ensure that the rug comes back.

So while vacuuming your rug might make it look a little better in the short term, it may be full of heavy sediments slowly killing it. What's more disturbing is that what in your rug might be slowly killing you!

You'll never quite know exactly what's living in your rug. Fibres in rugs are capable of holding so many different bacteria and mould spores that become trapped.

I'm not saying all this to scare you either; I really just want everyone to know about one of the best things that they can do for the cleanliness in their home. After all remember that the flip side is that if you didn't have a rug then you would be breathing all of the dirt and bacteria.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars has gone into the research of machinery and technology that will work together to remove these living and damaging things from your rug or carpet. Why wouldn't you take advantage of this; it's really the best way to completely clean any carpet.

A clean rug is beneficial to you and everyone who lives in proximity of that rug. It removes dust and dirt from any living space like an air filter for your home.

Maintaining a clean rug is very important so vacuum often. But to get rid of what's living in your rug is to take it to the professionals and get it cleaned regularly.

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Friday, 10 August 2012

Basic Things About Carpeting

Carpets are very common and you can find them in almost every home. The problem appears after a time, because whatever you do, they accumulate dirt and they start losing the good looks. You can either call a specialized company to get your carpet cleaned or you can do this job all by yourself. No matter what choice you make, you must know a couple of things about carpets in order to be informed with what goes on with the cleaning process. Next, we will talk about taking the problem into your own hands.

Most products you find on the market contain harsh chemicals. They should be safe, but the truth is, they are not. They expose us to risk and the most affected are the sensitive which are, of course, kids and elders. If you have animals around the house, you should know that they are being affected too and remember to keep them away when we use these kinds of products. What else can you do if you don't want to be exposed to this danger? Well, you should start choosing the right products by reading the labels. For that, you should be informed with the chemicals that are too harsh and that can also, ruin your carpet.

A good idea for the carpet to last longer and stay clean is to do the carpet cleaning regularly; don't let the dirt get too deep into the fibers and make the job harder for you. By getting it done on time, you can do the carpet cleaning on your own, without too much trouble and mess. You will also need just a small quantity of cleaning solution. When using small quantities of solution, it saves you money and it saves the environment from all the toxins that are inevitably used as components.

When you go and buy the carpet, you have to be very careful with what you choose. It is an important investment and it should be done properly. You'll have to know exactly what kind of carpet works for your home. Another thing is to get the right measure and to fix it well on your floor. Vacuuming the carpet is the key of expending the life span of your carpet. It also helps you save money if done regularly. You should not exclude the possibility of calling a specialized company to do the cleaning once in a while.

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Thursday, 9 August 2012

Few Facts About Mold Removal

Many people take mold or fungus as a trivial matter and very lightly. They often don't consider it as a serious issue, unless it appears in big size. However, many of us don't realize the adverse effects of not having mold removal done quickly. It could lead to unwanted health issues and some of these symptoms consist of allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems.

Where does it grow: As we all know that most of the mold growth takes place inside a wall or floor cavities. Typically, they are not visible and it becomes hard to determine the extent of its growth and origin. It of course requires proper inspection, assessment, and removal to avert any kind of future growth. Sometimes, it is difficult to detect the growth, as it can be right under your carpet, behind the wallpaper or dry wall or even hiding invisibly in HVAc systems.

Applying best methods: One of the popular methods is the mold remediation process, which consists of grubbing and clearing out mold growth right from its roots. The mold is cleansed out perfectly from all kind of surface areas and this includes appliances, furnishings, and other belongings. The process of mold remediation involves the process of eradicating, isolating, and cleaning up of materials that is infected with the mold.

Generally, mold removal is done by efficient professionals. This is a smart and safe way to deal with it swiftly, as they ensure that the job is done perfectly with the latest tools and sophisticated techniques.

Blocking the Black Mold:

One of the most frequently observed kinds of mold is the black mold. It can be often located in moist areas, little cracks, and it is highly toxic. Bathrooms and house basements are the prime locations for its growth. No wonder, sometimes we could even find it on countertops, if it is not kept dry properly. If you find it in a small space, then it can be simply cleared up with water and bleach. One of the best ways to avoid its formation is by keeping bathrooms and other places dry and clean, as excess moisture will be the best breeding area for the unwanted black mold. So if you find any leaky taps, it is good to get it repaired quickly to prevent excess moisture. There are also plenty of products in the market that can effectively remove the black mold. Although, availing services of professionals in removing it can be a better idea, as it will not be a costly proposition.

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Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Roof Cleaning Products - What Should I Use to Clean My Roof and Why?

Roof cleaning products to remove black algae, moss, or fungus from your roof shingles are usually made with one of two active ingredients. In this article we will review the two different types of products most widely used by homeowners and contractors and the pros and cons of each.

The first roof cleaning product we will discuss is Chlorine Bleach (sodium hypochlorite) or lye (sodium hydroxide). This type of roof cleaning product is primarily used by professional roof cleaners due to the caustic nature of the active ingredient (sodium hypochlorite) as well as being the most economical chemical available. Industrial strength Chlorine Bleach is also a readily available product that can found at pool supply retailers which make it easy for contractors to purchase as needed.

PROS: Cheapest chemical available to use. Normally, no pressure needed when rinsing. Chlorine Bleach is readily available to purchase as needed from pool supply retailers.

CONS: This is a very harsh, dangerous chemical, and if used incorrectly could potentially stain, dry out or damage your shingles, remove the finish on aluminum gutters, stain painted surfaces, damage plants and grass, or create health hazards for your pets and children. Just a little bit of over spray while roof cleaning could be disastrous in so many ways. Chlorine bleach is not biodegradable and once it enters the ground it will always be there

Can chlorine bleach or chlorine bleach roof cleaning products be used without this kind of damage occurring? Yes, they can if you are extremely careful. The question you need to ask is when was the last time you did a home improvement project that worked out just the way you thought it would? No matter how careful you are, the chances that you may have over spray get on something else other than your shingles is pretty good. Just a little bit of wind can cause over spray to reach your yard or your neighbor's yard. Most homeowners are not willing to take that chance so they either hire a professional roof cleaner or use an alternative biodegradable and safe product that we will discuss next.

The second type of roof cleaning products are hydrogen peroxide based and use the active ingredient Sodium Percarbonate, the biodegradable and safe alternative to Chlorine Bleach. Used by both homeowners and professional roof cleaners who want a safe alternative to Chlorine Bleach that is effective in cleaning black algae stains, moss, or fungus from roof shingles.

PROS: This type of roof cleaning product takes the worry out of over spray and will not harm the finish on aluminum gutters, stain painted surfaces, damage plants and grass, or create health hazards for your pets and children. It allows for a biodegradable and safe way of accomplishing the same result. You can approach the cleaning process in two different ways with this type of roof cleaning product. You can spray it on and then use a pressure washer on a low pressure setting (as much as a hard rain) for instant results, or you can spray it on and let the rain rinse away the stains naturally over approximately 90 days. This type of flexibility in the application and rinse process is another reason why homeowners and contractors choose to use this type of biodegradable roof cleaning product.

CONS: Slightly more expensive than Chlorine Bleach. Green products normally cost more than caustic chemicals. In severe cases when using the natural rinse method you may need to reapply after 90 days to achieve your desired result.

Now that you have the facts about the type of roof cleaning products available you can make an informed decision in regards to what is best for you, your family, pets, and home.

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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Top 10 Reasons to Always Keep Hand Wipes Handy

Hand wipes: they are probably not something that you would think of in most passing conversations, with exception to maybe an instance where you just got your hands all grimy and require them. While the advent and popularity of hand sanitizing products is becoming more and more commonplace (heck, some grocery stores even offer bottles out front so you can sanitize your shopping cart handles), hand wipes are also an option. Generally, they can serve as better options than just relying upon hand sanitizer. What follows are the top reasons why it makes a good deal of sense to always keep some hand wipes, well, handy during your day to day endeavors.

Top 10 Reasons to Always Keep Hand Wipes Handy

1. Let's face it, it's a dirty world in which we live and that bathroom sink and welcoming bottle of antibacterial soap are not always close enough for comfort.

2. Do you touch money on a daily basis? Did you know that money is the dirtiest thing in the world that you can touch...because so many people are always touching it? With hand wipes, you can clean the green after you tender payment.

3. So you had to use the restroom urgently and this required that you made a stopover at a place that you normally would never frequent. After squatting to ensure that your health is safe in the restroom, you suddenly realize upon trying to wash your hands that there is no soap. And it's hand wipes to rescue once again.

4. Have you ever been on a picnic? Many parks don't feature washrooms these days. A paper towel or napkin can help. But what about getting the grime off your hands and sanitizing them before and after you eat?

5. Do you work out at the gym frequently? Most gym machines are filthy, even if they appear to be clean. Sweaty people working out in them every few minutes assures this metric. But you can easily workout and breathe easy by wiping them down and sanitizing them beforehand.

6. Do you have children running around? Kids are a joy, but they can tend to get rather dirty rather quickly. Some handy hand wipes will eradicate this worry from ever concerning you.

7. The grocery store is our portal to delicious culinary eats. It can also be the gateway to you getting sick. So be certain to wipe down those shopping cart handles and kill any germs on them before touching them with your hands.

8. So you don't use paper money because it is literally filthy. Good call, money is very gross when you really think about how many hands it crosses. But guess what? That debit pin machine at the store sees just as many germ laden fingers touching it, too. So wipe it down real quick before touching it.

9. Made a mess by accident? You will miss those hand wipes when you need them the most.

10. Just want an easy way to sanitize things? Hand wipes are compact and fit in most pockets and cozily into most pocketbooks.

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Monday, 6 August 2012

Steps to Remove Toothpaste on the Carpet

Brushing our teeth is very important if we want to have a nice, sparkling smile that we can show to everybody. Toothpaste plays a very important role in getting our teeth clean and white as well as eliminating germs and bacteria which can make our breath smell bad.

But while toothpaste has a lot of benefits when it comes to dental hygiene, it can be a source of trouble if you accidentally get some of it onto the carpet. Toothpaste and your carpet doesn't exactly mix well as this can cause a nasty stain that will be tough to remove. If you have accidentally spilled some toothpaste on your carpet, here are some of the simple steps that you can use to help get rid of this problem.

• First, you'll need to remove the toothpaste, or at least as much of it as possible, from the carpet. To do this, you should get a dull knife or a spoon and start scraping off the toothpaste on the carpet. You should be careful not to cut the carpet fibers accidentally though. Once you have removed as much of the toothpaste as you can, move on to the next step.

• Next, get some white vinegar and some water. Mix one part of the former with four parts of the latter. If you notice later on that the vinegar cleaning solution is not that strong, you can adjust the ratio to one part vinegar to three parts water. Mix this inside a container and then apply some of it onto the toothpaste stain on the carpet.

• After you have applied the cleaning solution onto the stained area of the carpet, let it soak first for a moment or two. Then, get a clean white cloth and start blotting the toothpaste stain. This will help transfer the stain from the carpet and to the cloth. Continue doing this while occasionally applying more cleaning solution if needed. Do this until the entire stain is gone.

• The last step is equally important in taking care of your carpet. You have to rinse the area you just finished cleaning with some water and then dry up the area using some clean towels. Doing this is important because you don't want any cleaning solution residue from getting left behind and causing a build-up over time.

Toothpaste on the carpet can be a very tough problem but hopefully these steps will help you solve it in a jiffy. Good luck and happy cleaning.

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