Saturday, 11 August 2012

What's Living In Your Rug?

The best kind of rug owner makes sure that his or her rug is cleaned and maintained. This usually includes taking the rug in to be cleaned by professionals, but some rug owners choose to clean their rugs at home by themselves.

It's suggested that rug owners clean their rugs themselves through vacuuming periodically to keep it in good nick.

However, these repetitive basic cleans, by means of vacuum or maybe a gentle spot treatment chemical, without a professional clean every 6-12 months can leave some pretty nasty things trapped in your rug.

What's living in your rug, you ask.

If you use your home vacuum to clean your rug, you can maintain you it and eliminate sometimes up to 80 to 85% of dirt and dry soil. This is a great improvement and will make it cleaner for longer.

However, unfortunately the remaining percentage of dry soil, dust and dirt is the nastiest stuff because it is heavier or too small and will accumulate over time. And using your vacuum over and over will never pull these out from the deepest fibres of your rug.

Of course, there are those who try to clean their rug themselves by using a pressure hose to blast the rug which will remove a lot of dirt along with most of the rug as well. Please, Please never use this method to clean your rug, it will damage it beyond repair.

Professionals now use of state of the art machines to remove soiling from your rug. You can bet that anyone in the business for long uses more gentle methods to ensure that the rug comes back.

So while vacuuming your rug might make it look a little better in the short term, it may be full of heavy sediments slowly killing it. What's more disturbing is that what in your rug might be slowly killing you!

You'll never quite know exactly what's living in your rug. Fibres in rugs are capable of holding so many different bacteria and mould spores that become trapped.

I'm not saying all this to scare you either; I really just want everyone to know about one of the best things that they can do for the cleanliness in their home. After all remember that the flip side is that if you didn't have a rug then you would be breathing all of the dirt and bacteria.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars has gone into the research of machinery and technology that will work together to remove these living and damaging things from your rug or carpet. Why wouldn't you take advantage of this; it's really the best way to completely clean any carpet.

A clean rug is beneficial to you and everyone who lives in proximity of that rug. It removes dust and dirt from any living space like an air filter for your home.

Maintaining a clean rug is very important so vacuum often. But to get rid of what's living in your rug is to take it to the professionals and get it cleaned regularly.

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